Get ready for a trip of the highest sort when you reach the Fairyport...

...or "smoke Maria and be content in the land of Fairyport Convent". What's this place then, the "Fairyport Convent"...

środa, 6 marca 2024

"Break a Leg (Psychedelic Chicks on Bikes)" - Lyrics

I was riding on my bike - looking for a perfect hike
And I wasn't high on shrooms, though my head was filled with doom
Listening to a space rock song I thought nothing could go wrong
Started browsing you know what for you know who, just looking for a thing to do
When a message popped out fast and I thought shit, man, I'm gonna crash
But I managed to ride on down the road to Berlin dawn

So she said she digs the Stones, got a thing for mammoth bones
And her face made the whole trip a mess, later came this MMS
Last thing I remember doing was a spinning and a turning
To the tune of „Kick Out the Jams”, oh man, the shit has hit the fan
Listening to a space rock song I thought nothing could go wrong
But then I think the shrooms kicked in from a crater in her skin
Yeah, I guess had  a gig to play, but I couldn't come today
So I woke up and the doctor gave me head on a sterile German bed
What a trip, man.

So I totaled everything but it helped my soul to sin
With the sins I haven't sinned before „Son, they call it rock'n'roll”
In the chill of spoon balloons she has swallowed both my moons
And I gave her all kinds of highs, and I will till the day I die
Just remember what Isabella said - before I tripped she told me „Break a leg!”

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